Thursday, October 27, 2011

16 weeks!

Yikes!  We have an Avocado this week: approximately 4.6 inches in length, weighing approximately 3.5 ounces.  Our fetus can now hear us...kind of scary!

I just arrived home from routine 16-week prenatal appointment...happy to report so far, so good!  I have actually not gained a pound and Baby T heartbeat at 155bpm.   My BP was perfect 110/64.

Next big event: scheduling anatomy scan/2nd ultrasound in December to find out GENDER!!!

Will post a belly pic. this weekend.  We're off to Charlotte for Ang & Jon's wedding and to also see some long lost friends :-)  Very much looking forward to sporting maternity gear, including a dress.  Be prepared, haha!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Diapering Decision

We're going disposable!  While cloth diapering is certainly growing in popularity, we've decided to not go that route.  Our reason why: the small amount of cost savings versus the practicality for our lifestyle.  We did much research and decided that cloth diapering isn't nearly as 'green' as people want to believe.  There isn't enough cost savings involved when compared to our time.  We'd rather be able to just toss the mess and walk away instead of put it in our wash.  Also, the glorious nursing schedule of 12-hour day, night and weekend shifts does not bode well to an every-other-day laundering schedule in the Thompson household.  We thought it was ironic that cloth diaperers usually aren't 100% cloth users anyway :-)

We began our diaper stash not long after we knew we were pregnant.  I'm an avid couponer and have been watching out for deals here and there.  Sofar, we've scored our full supply of 100-ish Newborn sized diapers.  We have 120 of Size 1's, with at least 400-500 left to purchase between now and when Baby T arrives.  We're using the buying recommendations of "Baby Bargains" and pre-purchasing our first few months of diapers now to help spread out the cost and to avoid late night runs to Target!

If you have ANY spare diaper coupons, send them our way!!!

Here is our current stash (with some HUGE wipe packs that I got a STEAL on included):

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Second Trimester

We made it!  Baby is now the size of a Lemon!  Which means our baby is approximately 3.4 inches in length, weighing approximately 1.5 ounces.

Still sick...but I can safely say we are 1/3 of the way through this pregnancy!  Just 25 weeks-ish to go!!!  Fatigue is subsiding, but yes, definitely still sick from time to time.  Actually, the nausea/vomiting has been at its worst during the 14th week.  Here's to hoping it fades away quickly!

I am no longer able to wear my 'regular' jeans.  The transition to maternity clothes was quick once I tried on my first pair of, what John calls, "elastic waist jeans."  They are the most comfortable pair of jeans I've ever owned.  They might be sticking around post-pregnancy...haha, not really, but they are that comfortable.

Here is my 14 week, 5 day photo, post-dinner so I actually appear bigger than I really am.  A food baby and real baby in there.  I couldn't suck it in anymore.  (p.s. that is my new iPhone 4S that I am learning to love as I miss my Droid)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Our journey...

So once we moved to Virginia and had some time to finally be a normal married couple I started catching "baby fever."  It wasn't until Christmas 2010 that I knew we were really ready to consider taking the plunge in 2011.   John and I weren't bored, but realized an addition to our family would be a good thing.  We were ready.

In January 2011 my Mirena IUD was removed.

I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and signed up for the service and started charting my basal temperatures every morning at 5am (due to my glorious work schedule).  Our bodies truly are amazing.  I learned a lot about me during this time.  We "officially" started trying in June.  We went into this journey knowing it could take a healthy couple up to a year to conceive.  Lo and behold, God had other August 2, 2011 we had our positive pregnancy test and the best HUGE secret to keep to ourselves until WE wanted to share!  Charting my basal temperatures allowed me to know I was pregnant before any test could is my positive chart from July 2011.

Friday, October 7, 2011

NT Scan

So we opted for the Nuchal Translucency Screening (NT Scan).  Mainly because insurance covered it and we were already going to be at the office for our first ultrasound.  Super excited that our results were extremely good!

NT measurement below 1.8mm and + nasal bone present.  The nurse from our office called with all the numbers today and I wrote them down, but left at work in my locker.  Will update next week.  The one number I remember, Down's Syndrome risk for us 1:less than 10,000 (which is an AWESOME result!!!)  Our risk based on my age alone was 1:860, but with measurements and blood work we are rated NEGATIVE.  Love it!  Hoping for a healthy bean!!!

A little info on this screening can be found here:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First post...

So here we begin.  I have a lot to cover, so I'll work on this post over the next couple days.  For now, here is a pic. of our little one.  We had our first ultrasound/NT Scan today.  Baby T measured 6 days ahead of schedule, so our due date has been moved to April 9, 2012.  Here's to hoping Baby T sits tight until then at least then so he/she doesn't have to share a birthday with their mom or our anniversary! 

We're growing a peach.  At least thats the size of Baby T this week...average length 2.9 inches, weighing in at approximately 0.81 ounces.

Healthy.  Bouncy.  Non-stop.  HR 161bpm.  Waving hello.  SUPER CUTE.  Baby T.
13 weeks, 1 day

More photos., we're already proud parents!   (All at 13 weeks, 1 day)

Thumb sucker

Crown to Rump Length --> 7-ish centimeters =2.8-ish inches!

+ Nasal Bone


Bump @ 13 weeks 1 day (ignore the self-portrait)
I have had to resort to maternity pants now.  I no longer feel comfortable in my regulars :-(

Bump @ 5 weeks, my starting photo. (ignore large shadow, couldn't edit it out!)