Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back from PA

All smiles!
Crashed...but, not for long!
Discovered the flying turtle on his bouncer seat

Friday, May 25, 2012

6 Weeks New!

Spending Blake's 6-weeks on this earth in Pennsylvania with family.  Grandma Nichols had a 'Welcome/Meet Blake' picnic on Saturday.  It was insanely hot, in the 80-90's our entire time there.  Blake did NOT like the heat.  He enjoyed a lot of time in his diaper, in front of a fan!

Just chilling in front of a fan!

A better view of the 'fanning'
At Blake's picnic

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Not fun. We had a visit to the pediatrician today for Blake's worsening fussiness, off-eating habits, and a lot of spitting up. Poor little guy has reflux. We are started on Zantac, should know within 2-3 days if it's a winner. To help him out until it gets in his system he gets Mylanta twice a day. We've already noticed our non-fussy baby shining through!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Chill Sunday

We went for a family walk downtown. Blake loves riding in his stroller!

We've learned that Blake has a schedule of his own, so we're going to try to adapt to it. This little guy us awake by 5:30am daily then naps around 8:30. No surprise since that was my wake up time on working days while pregnant! No wonder he's in his own routine! This means much earlier nights at the Thompson house here on out...

Friday, May 18, 2012

5 Weeks New!

This week we had lunch out in Culpeper with Auntie Ali!

Lunch with Auntie Ali at The Stable

Looking dapper in my cool clothes

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First Smiles

I got at least 3 this morning...Yes, I cried like a baby!

And, my April Mamas group did comparisons...here was mine.  Blake definitely is the perfect mix of John and me!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blake Fun!

We had a stretch of a playful Blake tonight...We can't wait for more of this.  He was just so happy, so content!

Check out the video footage we shot.

Kalli wanted to scope out Blake's 'crate'

Sunday, May 13, 2012

One Month

He's not a fan.

Sporting a big boy outfit for an hour...before he peed on it

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Bather and Napper

So we've come a long way on baths.  Blake LOVES them.  He also loves to pee in his bath water.  Poor little guy has no idea!

He kicks and pushes himself up in the tub

Napping on moms belly after a mid-day feed

Moved from belly to couch, still napping!

Friday, May 11, 2012

4 Weeks New!

Some milestones:
  • a 5-hour and 3.5-hour stretch of sleep on 2 different nights
Blake in his crib.  
No swaddle for this guy...he sprawls out to sleep!
  • 4-week well check:  
  • Here are his newest stats: 
    • Weight: 8lb., 14oz. (birth weight 6lb., 14oz.) 45th-percentile
    • Length: 21.13 inches (birth length 20.5 inches) 45th-percentile
Squirming on the table
  • Adding pumping to our very well-established breastfeeding so dad can help ease some middle of the night feeds, also a transition for when I return to work (boo). 
  • Our long-awaited stroller has arrived!

Here is Blake testing it out...

A great look at his personality...he has the cutest expressions! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just Some Photos.

First time on the playmat - Look of shock as he just rolled himself over from tummy time!

Sleep smiles are the best :-) 

This photo. is one of my favorites...his little personality is starting to show!
LOVE this little guy!

One of my favorite times with Blake...post-meal.  
He's cuddly and makes funny faces

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby Bjorn

We LOVE their products...definitely worth the money.

Took our first family walk with our new Baby Bjorn Active Carrier!
This amazing carrier has enabled us to walk a few miles around the neighborhood this weekend.  Blake LOVES his walks, he sleeps the entire time.  This will have to do until our stroller comes in (YES, I did order that back in February, we need it bad!).

Blake just chilling in his Baby Bjorn Bouncer!
We can't wait until he's a little bit bigger and more alert so we can attach the toy bar to it...

Friday, May 4, 2012

3 Weeks New!

I swear it's going by faster by the day.  I am not a happy camper over this.  BUT, when you live your life in 2-3 hour blocks around feeding someone, I guess it's no wonder!

This week has brought on frustrations.  I believe Blake is going through a growth spurt since his feeding has been all crazy.  He has been wanting to eat every hour.  We've been dealing with an oversupply issue and resorted to 2-hour block feeding schedules, which seems to be working.  I'm hoping that after talking with our lactation consultant tomorrow that we can work some pumping into the mix so we'll be able to have bottles!  Hooray for dad being able to feed overnight AND bringing in the possibility of leaving the house for more than 2 hours at a time.  I'm not one to breastfeed in public.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just some photos.

These are all of Blake sleeping because I was in shock at the amount of sleeping he did this day.  

We've been struggling with fussiness for a few days and we started a new feeding regime that hopefully will make little man a little happier.  AND more like a newborn in terms of actually sleeping during the day instead of being awake all the time!

Sleeping in the Boppy

Sleeping in the swing

Sleeping in the bouncer seat

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Random Tuesday

So Blake has a constant need to be held.  I'm not sure how this developed over the last week, but within seconds of us putting him down to sleep or lay by himself he is crying.  Wait, not just crying, screaming.  At the top.of.his.lungs.

We've brought in the pacifier.  We've ordered a Baby Bjorn carrier.  We've broke out the Moby Wrap.  We're desperate.

Moby Wrap seems to have gone over well...at least he'll nap now :-)

Note the pacifier and in the Moby!

Just hanging out with mom